Gob Ribbons, founded 2017 in Lucerne – Switzerland, unify Post-Rock, Progressive Metal and Stoner Rock to a unique concoction. Their debut album Imparted offers richly layered instrumental passages, complex arrangements, atmospheric harmonies
and vocals with a lot of emotional and stylistic variety. They have developed their
style since their first EP Attain – Maintain, which was released in 2019, and their
first place at central Switzerlands largest contest for emerging bands “Sprungfeder”
in 2018. They present ambient soundscapes, crossover-riffs and funky grooves in
their dynamical compositions. Gob Ribbons have found their sound. Their creative
journey is far from over though, it has only just begun.
Their Album is separated into two parts, which will be released separately in June
and Octobre 2022 respectively. Imparted I: The Age of Comparison and Imparted
II: The Delian Diver. Impart the Impartible will feature on Imparted I: The Age of
The single release Impart the Impartible is an introduction to the themes of their
upcoming LP, which shines light on different angles of the transmission of
experiences. In this song the transmission or the impartation takes the form of
language. It tells a story about a place that witnessed many cultures and serves as a
symbol for the meaning that language wants to transmit, but oftentimes fails to do so
due to misunderstandings and the volatile nature of speech and writing.
Impart the Impartible is mixed, produced and recorded by Anna Murphy @Soundfarm Studios Obernau and mastered by Dan Suter and Anna Murphy @Echochamber.
Website: https://gobribbons.ch
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RibbonsGob/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gobribbons/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9nD9f0EyoRM5XgIladmyJg
Bandcamp: https://gobribbons.bandcamp.com/releases
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/gob-ribbons
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Uyf6yRdcpkfvpCdhbLm6U?si=NV4W
Gob Ribbons are:
Manuel Luthiger – Bass
Pascal Furrer – Drums
Leandro Stalder – Vocals
Aurel Schüpbach – Synth
Cyrill Durrer – Guitar