MADE EASY PRIME is a one-stop solution for the preparation of various competitive exams. Where the students can learn and prepare at their own convenience.
Now not much time is left for ESE and GATE 2023 examination, we believe that you would have already started your preparation with MADE EASY PRIME and wish you all the success. As you have already enrolled with MADE EASY PRIME, it becomes quite essential that you know about our app so that you can have a smooth journey during your preparation.
Once the students enroll in any of our courses for preparation of the competitive exams there are several questions that arise in the mind of the students. In this video, we have tried to answer all such questions like:
1. How to register for MADE EASY PRIME?
2. How to download MADE EASY PRIME Application for Android, iOS, and Windows?
3. What is the minimum system requirement to access the app?
4. After enrollment, How to complete/update the profile?
5. How to access Live Online Classes or recorded Videos?
6. Where to access the online study material?
7. Where to attempt Class Test/Section Test or Full-Length Test?
8. How to clarify your doubts?
9. Most effective ways for maximum utilization of the app.
MADE EASY PRIME app is available for Android, iOS, and Windows Based computers. The same can be downloaded from the below links:
Google Play:
App store:
Windows PC:
Hope this video will provide answers to all your queries. In case of any questions, feel free to reach us at or call us at 90021300500.
To know more about the course visit:
EMI options available.
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