5 BIG Ways Starfield is Different Than No Mans Sky? Sponsored by Quantum but no not really.

The claims are out there that procedural generation and 1000 planets has killed starfield before it even began. Is it true? Does starfield have a couple secrets to beat it. Here are 5 categories and reasons within them that Starfield really is doing things differently.

Bethesda makes it clear you are an explorer both within the original discussion how the game starts as well as the factions sections showing you various other sections all of them in an outlander, kind of system
The atmosphere is important. If you were an urban space police officer your time might be spent in large cities the entire time. If you were a cyborg social worker the expectations would be constantly traveling to locations in urban areas. Here they make it clear it's about exploration.

We discuss how the systems may work, why comparing it to No Mans Sky is a huge almost incalculable comparisons, and the quantum differences between them ;)

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5 BIG Ways Starfield is Different Than No Mans Sky? Sponsored by Quantum but no not really.

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