Presentation Title: The Attainable Path to Net Zero
Presenter: Audrey Mascarenhas, P.Eng., FCAE, President and C.E.O.
Organization: Questor Technology Inc.
Presenter Bio:
Audrey Mascarenhas has worked in energy for more than 35 years with Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. and Questor Technology Inc. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto and a Master’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Calgary. She is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers. Audrey served as a distinguished lecturer with the Society of Petroleum Engineers in 2010/2011. She is a member of the Schulich Industry Engineering Advisory Council and currently chairs the Canadian federal government clean technology strategy table. Audrey was the recipient of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 Prairies Award for Cleantech and Environmental Services and received a national citation for Values-Based Innovation. She was also chosen by Business in Calgary as a 2014 Leaders of Tomorrow, is a 2014 Board Diversity 50 cohort and one of Canada’s 2017 Clean50. Audrey is a fellow of the Energy Futures Lab and co-chairs the Governor General’s Innovation Awards assessment committee.
Thank you for participating in the Methane Emissions Virtual Sessions.
If you would like to view the discussion paper on Reducing Methane Emissions from Canada’s Oil and Gas Sector or make comments on the discussion paper and methane emissions, please visit Environment Canada’s website.
Anyone wishing to comment on any aspect of the discussion paper are invited to provide written comments by May 25, 2022, to: Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division Environment and Climate Change Canada
Merci d’avoir participé aux séances virtuelles sur les émissions de méthane.
Si vous souhaitez consulter le document de travail sur la Réduction des émissions de méthane provenant du secteur pétrolier et gazier au Canada ou faire des commentaires sur le document de travail et les émissions de méthane, veuillez visiter le site Web d’Environnement Canada.
Toute personne qui souhaitent commenter sur tout aspect du document de travail est invitée à fournir des commentaires écrits d’ici le 25 mai 2022 à l’adresse courriel suivante:
Division du pétrole, gaz et énergie de remplacement
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada