Today is the day of the new event marvelous merchandise where you can exchange random stuff into Freemogems. To get all of the 380 Freemogems or Free Primogems you have to login everyday from now until may 13th, For EU server starts in 2 hours and for NA starts in 8 hours. All you have to do is talk to liben in Mondstadt and exchange your items into 40 Freemogems everyday. Don't worry about the box, you will get all of them If you talk to him every day for 7 days after 5 times exchanging items you will get 100 Freemogems bonus. For the Version 2.7 release date we can predict based on the last event in version 2.6 Spices from the west. And based on the pattern, usually HOYOVERSE release the version update on wednesday so, version 2.7 release date have to be on Wednesday too.Some rumor says, it will be released on June 1st, but after the announcement yesterday, it probably won't going to happen because, the last event ends on June 7th. So version 2.7 will be released on June 8th at the earliest. The last news from today is, Hoyoverse officially made a statement about Genshin Impact Nintendo Switch version. They said, it's not cancelled and still in development, they will release more information if there is new progress. So if you have nintendo switch, sometime in the future you can play Genshin Impact on it.
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