if u put ur name and my name together u get mayonnaise

Some personality explaining (bc I really like these characters and their dynamics):

Kai - Kai has always been a sort of loner at school. She grew up with her wealthy mom and an absent father, and was mostly neglected. So instead she just buried her head in books and schoolwork, which she was content with. She’s been approached by many people to become friends however has rejected them all since she found them all annoying. The only person she’s ever let into her life besides her family is Diona, who was a social reject and hyper girl who befriended Kai after Kai defended her from some mean girls (cliche, I know, but that group of mean girls is important). She’s very serious looking and doesn’t like showing emotions very often, since she likes being seen as tough. Diona is the only person she shows actual emotion with besides just going “😐” since Diona is someone she trusts

Diona - Diona was shun from her school and society due to her raggedy appearance and awkward movement, speech, etc. She always been very hyper and determined to make friends, however everyone she approaches just avoids her because she’s “weird.” She befriended Kai one day because (as previously mentioned) Kai defended her from some girls. She was super excited to finally have a friend since nobody has really wanted to be her friend before. She only wants to hang out at Kai’s usually since her home is very lavish and fancy, and Diona feels her home does not compete and is undeserving of Kai’s presence. She has serious attachment issues to Kai since she is her only friend she’s ever had. She’s scared of anything happening to Kai, because if Kai’s gone, Diona doesn’t have much left except a mom who comes back to the house once a week.

Overall adore these two characters! probably some spelling errors in there tho.

Diona (black/brownish hair) - she/her
Kai (redhead) -she/her
me - any prns

if u put ur name and my name together u get mayonnaise

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