Father disliked his son's fiancée and persuaded to leave her. Then he saw her in office and froze

The father did not like his son's fiancée and persuaded him to leave her. Later, the man saw her in his office and froze in horror.

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Simon had been dating Melanie for a year, but he still couldn't decide to introduce her to his parents. They met by chance in the park. Simon was waiting for his friend and saw a charming stranger on a nearby bench. It was Melanie. Simon was delighted, but was too shy to approach. Later the girl was joined by another girl, and meantime Simon finally waited for his friend. He was very surprised and happy when it turned out that both girls had been invited by his friend on a double date.
Melanie turned out to be a nice and modest girl, and Simon was delighted by her peculiarity to blush with embarrassment when he complimented her. She was so much different from the boring spoiled girls, daughters of large businessmen, with whom he used to communicate, that the guy immediately fell in love with this mysterious and beautiful girl. Simon knew from the scanty phrases that Melanie was from a simple family and was brought up by her mother. He did not care much, but he feared the disapproval of his parents.
His father held a senior position in a factory. After learning from their son that he had a girlfriend, his parents insisted on meeting the one they thought was trying to marry their only son.
And now the day had come that Simon had been waiting for and dreading. He was anxious about the introduction, and Melanie was also nervous and kept rubbing her bracelet on her wrist. When they arrived at the threshold of the house, Simon's father came out to meet them. He gave her a disapproving look and, without a word, went into his study. Melanie felt uncomfortable, but she managed to pull herself together and went into the house. They were met by Simon's mother in the dining room, and she also behaved very reservedly, but still said hello and offered to sit down. But as soon as Simon left the room, she did not hesitate and told Melanie that she would not allow her to trick her son and make a good living at his expense.
Melanie was stunned and did not know how to react to such blatant rudeness. Then Simon came into the room, happily kissed his mother on the cheek, and sat down at the table to uncork the champagne. There was no face on Melanie. She tried to calm down, but she could feel Simon's mother keeping an eye on her. The girl was uncomfortable under the clinging gaze of the woman, squeamishly examining her simple hair and modest outfit. The woman showed her superiority with all her appearance and made Melanie feel uncomfortable. Simon attempted to lighten the tension with jokes, but he failed.
Finally, Simon's father showed up at the door. The man sat down at the table and, without waiting for the others, began to eat. When he was finished with the steak, he wiped his mouth with a napkin, stopped his gaze on Melanie, and asked who were her parents.
"I was brought up by my mother, and she worked all her life as a kindergarten teacher, and I rarely saw my father, because he... ," Melanie had no time to finish before she was interrupted.
"Too bad, the family must be complete; otherwise it's not a family, and the children do not get a proper upbringing," Simon's father admonished. Melanie tried to object and explain, but then the man continued, and Melanie froze in amazement.
"We don't need such a daughter-in-law, son," Simon's father muttered, as if Melanie were not in the room.
"Look at her, Simon, how horribly she is dressed and combed. You deserve better. You need another girl. Don't worry, we'll find you the one you deserve," the mother added.
Melanie couldn't believe this was possible, "Look, haven't you forgotten that I'm still here? And you, Simon, why are you silent? After all, you're the one who brought me here, and now you're sitting there silently listening to bad things they said about me!"
But the young man remained silent. He was afraid of being left without his parents' support now and in the future, so he could not cross them. Melanie stood up from the table, and with her head proudly raised, headed for the exit. She had nothing else to do here. And Simon, watching Melanie leave, suddenly thought that his parents were probably right, and this girl was no match for him.
Melanie ran out into the street, ordered a cab, and sank tiredly on the bench waiting for the car.

Father disliked his son's fiancée and persuaded to leave her.  Then he saw her in office and froze

stories from the box father did not like his son's fiancée father persuaded son to leave fiancée audio story true people story life of ordinary people mysterious stories with a happy ending stories with happy ending cautionary story interesting story fascinating story sad love story heartbreaking stories about love story about betrayal and cheating woman story stories about life problems stories about friendship

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