Dragon Ball FighterZ to receive perhaps final Balance Patch amid Lab Coat Android 21 ban fears

Been a while since we had any real DBFZ news and this is both good and bad as we are getting what is potentially our final balance patch of the game amid serious talks of banning lab coat android 21! The fate of Dragon Ball FighterZ is in the balance as you don't want the legacy to go out on the "character that killed the game"


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Dragon Ball FighterZ to receive perhaps final Balance Patch amid Lab Coat Android 21 ban fears

dbfz dbs dbz dbzf dlc dragon dragon ball dragon ball fighterz education fighterz roofle rooflemonger android 21 lab coat fighterz android 21 lab coat labcoat 21 lab coat 21 labcoat 21ban lab coat 21 ban dbfz ban lab coat 21 dbfz patch dbfz balance patch dragon ball fighterz patch dragon ball fighterz balance patch combo breaker evo dbfz news dbfz android 21 lab coat dbfz lobby shenanigans android 21 ban ban labcoat 21 ban lab coat 21 patch balance patch

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