16mm Film - Conjuror's Party - GB 1949

16mm Film - Conjuror's Party - GB 1949

Written and directed by: Arthur C. Stevens

Starring: Buck Hurst et al.

Buck Hurst, associate of the magic circle, dazzles children at a party in this short film. He first became interested in magic when he was twelve years old, and he kept his strong amateur interests during the first twenty years of his working life, when he followed the trade of a railway fireman. He obtained special leave on numerous occasions to appear in films, one of which featured Len Harvey. Later he was a dancer in "The Amateur Gentleman", and also had parts in the "Seventh Veil" and several others. Incidentally Buck had a real film actor's profile, with a neat hairline moustache, and he must have stood at least six foot three inches. He turned whole time professional in 1947, and debarring Music Hall work, he had steadily worked up a very good private clientele. He made three television appearances one of which was under the auspices of the Magic Circle. Buck Hurst passed away on the 5th of December 1957 at the age of only 48.

16mm Film - Conjuror's Party - GB 1949

Conjuror's Party 16mm Film

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