There is no thriving student without a thriving child.
Join us live on Monday April 4 at 7:30 on
With this in mind, Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh is hosting a night of interactive insight, advocacy, and support in an effort to promote integrated wellness in our yeshiva system.
The livestream event will take place on Monday, April 4th, 3 Nissan, featuring a lineup of global experts, therapists, and educators, covering a wide range of wellness and mental-health related topics, from digital citizenship and addiction to collaboration techniques for schools and parents.
“Virtually Possible” will tackle how to maximize the benefits of technology by
understanding its inherent challenges, and will feature Dr. Eli Shapiro, LCSW, Founder and Director of The Digital Citizenship Project, as well as Rabbi Moshe Taub, editor and columnist at AMI Magazine. It will be moderated by Mr. Nachi Gordon, Founder of
Meaningful Minute.
“Two Halves of a Wholly” will focus on creating and sustaining emotional health and wellness through partnership between parents and educators, and will feature Rabbi Shimon Russell, LCSW, world-renowned educator and speaker, and Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, veteran educator and global innovator in Jewish education, and CEO of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh.
“Stress Code” will give high school students a chance to ask their real-life questions, and
will be moderated by Dr. Debbie Akerman, LCSW, Mrs. Leah Herman, mashpia and Stand Together coordinator, Rabbi Yarden Blumstein, UMatter Director, and Dr. Yisroel King, psychologist and behavior intervention specialist at Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh.
The evening will be dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Doctor Abraham J. Twerski, whose work as a psychiatrist and author helped destigmatize mental health and addiction in both the Jewish and broader communities. Rabbi Doctor Twerski’s impact today is immeasurable, both in Pittsburgh and around the globe.
Yeshiva Schools students are not alone in facing these increased pressures and
uncertainties. Schools everywhere are struggling to find the balance between addressing and supporting mental health needs and academic expectations. The search for this sweet spot is one of the biggest challenges facing education today. Limudei kodesh and limudei chol
are both imperative parts of the school day, but both must be underpinned by limudei
nefesh; without mental wellbeing, there can be no academic wellbeing.
For that reason, there are plans in place for Yeshiva Schools to share their wellness division framework with other interested schools, so that all children can have the opportunity to be educated in a wellness-infused environment. This interactive live stream is a chance for you
to demonstrate your passion for this vital cause — get involved today to take the first step in bringing a culture of wellness to your own school!
Tune in to the Wholly Chinuch event, Monday April 4 at 7:30 on