Former NFL star-turned Republican senate candidate Herschel Walker has made a lot of money since leaving the NFL, and he claims that it is because of his success as a business owner. However, according to an analysis by The Daily Beast, many of the businesses he claims to own don't exist. In other words, the Trump-endorsed candidate is lying to voters, once again. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.
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Former NFL star turned businessman, turned Republican candidate for Senate in the state of Georgia Herschel Walker, who by the way, is endorsed by Donald Trump himself loves to boast about being a great businessman and how he's just made millions and millions and millions of dollars. He says from all these businesses that he started, he claims that one of 'em is the biggest black owned food manufacturing company in the country. One of them he says is the largest black owned clothing companies or textile companies. I guess you should call it in the country. There's a problem. Some of these companies don't exist. And the few that do exist, Hershaw Walker is in fact not listed on any of the business records. Some of them have actually been around for generations and they say, you know, we're a fifth generat family owned business. And that family by the way, is not the walkers.
So according to a new analysis by the daily beast, which is built upon the back of a analysis by the associated press, Herschel, Walker's lying, he's lying about owning these businesses. He's lying about having star started these businesses. He's lying about the size of them, and he's lying about the income that they bring in. Let me read this from the daily beast, those claims include running the largest minority owned food company in the United States, owning multiple chicken plants in another state and starting and owning an upholstery business, which was also apparently at one point in is the country's largest minority owned apparel company. The claims about the upholstery business appear particularly divorced from the truth as that business, as Walker describes it doesn't appear to exist. so Walker goes out there and by the way, he also skipped the debates and the future, your debates for the Republican primary in Georgia, cuz he says, oh man, I'm I'm getting awards on those nights.
And like really what are the, what are the odds of that? That every time we have a debate, you're getting an award that night for what you, you, you left the NFL in 1997. You mean to tell us 25 years later, there's still randomly multiple times throughout the a year just giving you awards, like, ah, screw it. Let's Hey, you guys wanna give HERL Walker an award today? All right. Let's let's do that then that that's not a thing by the way. That's not a thing that happens, but he says it is just like he says, he owns these businesses, which again, he has not found anywhere on the paperwork he's found in the state filings of ownership. He's not on any mortgages for buildings. He's not on any loans. He's not on any liens. He is not listed anywhere. Except of course, for a couple of agreements that he worked out with these companies, you know, he'd go out and boost the company basically as a spokesperson in exchange for financial compensation.
So you're a spokesperson. You, you, you do commercials for him I guess maybe, but that is a world away from actually owning these companies. Now that's not to say that some of these companies that he's claimed ownership in, he's not a part of it because a couple of them, he is right. I think a little bit the report is still not sure that he has ever been involved in any decision making processes with any of these businesses. And of course he's not listed in the paperwork and this is the guy Trump endorsed. And of course, this is the kind of thing, by the way that people like Mitch McConnell are currently freaking out about Mitch McConnell earlier this week, uh, told a group of Republicans that yeah, you know, we're totally cruising to an easy victory in the midterms. Less of course these unacceptable candidates when their primaries and then go on to lose in the general Herschel Walker is one of the people that everybody assumes he's talking about because the guy is not good would with politics.