oh you guys know how I love notion ... sign up for free! https://ntn.so/moya ✨ this is how I try and stay organised, how I've been planning out my travels and how I set goals for the month - I've linked my template below!
💌 let's be friends!! https://www.instagram.com/moyamawhinney/?hl=en
my previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWG45u7l5aU&t=452s
my template: https://www.notion.so/moya-s-notion-0bbda29d8ccf4d6ea1fc56a696dd0b5c
💌 contact me:
- insta: @moyamawhinney https://www.instagram.com/moyamawhinney/?hl=en
- email: moyamawhinney@sixteenth.co
- spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/moyamawhinney?si=22bef63b0a95455b
💌 faq:
where are you from? northern ireland - weird accent I know, my mum’s indonesian and my dad’s irish
what do you study? art history (major) and english literature!! its a dream I love it so much. I went to uni @ trinity college dublin and did my semester abroad at columbia
equipment? canon g7 x mark ii and iPhone 11 Pro and edit on Final Cut Pro X!!
fav makeup? glossier always !! 10% your first glossier order: https://re.glossier.com/3666e341
subs: 370k angels. thank you to notion for sponsoring this video ! a dream !