Don’t Argue With Their Religion - Vegan Outreach

Particularly in religious frameworks its often best that you don't argue with their values, but within their values instead. While many religions say it's permissible to eat animals they don't say its obligatory. Veganism is therefore compatible with most religions, it's just not demanded by those religions.

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----------------------HOW TO GO VEGAN-----------------------
Challenge 22

Vegan Bootcamp

Cheap Lazy Vegan

Chicks Killed Per Year
0:00 – Intro
0:16 – Is it ok to punch a human for sensory pleasure?
1:20 – Do Dogs and Pigs Feel Pain and Emotions?
1:59 – Do the Animals You Eat Go Suffer on the Farm and in Slaughterhouses?
2:45 – It’s Basically Like Slavery
3:11 – How Would You Justify It to the Pig
4:00 – What Happens to Chickens
5:03 – Arguing Within His Religious Framework
5:47 – Do You Think You Can Be Healthy On a Vegan Diet?
6:19 – “I’m For Both Sides”
6:41 – Do You See Any Misalignment With Paying Someone To Hurt These Animals?
7:31 – Watching Footage of Pigs In Gas Chambers
7:47 – “So You’re Completely Vegan”
8:00 – What Do You Value More The Life and Suffering of Individual or Taste and Convenience?
9:14 – Would You Be Interested If I Gave You A Resource (Challenge 22)

Don’t Argue With Their Religion - Vegan Outreach

Don't Argue WITH Their Values Argue Within their values don't argue with their religion don't argue with their religious framework veganism and religion vegan street activism vegan outreach animal rights activism animal rights outreach get better at vegan outreach is animal agriculture like slavery? vegan ethics Vegan arguments Better vegan arguments the best vegan arguments get better at arguing the vegan position vegan discussions vegan conversation veg

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