hope you enjoyed the video!
make sure to subscribe and turn on notification and stay tune for more, also comment some ideas for me
also please do not harass anyone in this video, they do not deserve hate!
This video is for entertainment purposes, anyone in this video DO NOT deserve hate
If you have problems with this video, join this discord server and ask me about it
i mean if your watching this, your right its staged but its for fun at the end
my discord server: https://discord.gg/E9g8duw2J6
second channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClzN6z9o9hp40iFYiYiy0yQ
skin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfaCQomdIus&list=PL7qNBS-l31uyAF5YqDREfWCk-9LUzhCNV&index=57
songs i use in videos (70%): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_De56NKPWU&list=PLnY3ntlMBWqT_v7jfXuRkpP-a34gnaNhg
(i watche evry wirtual vidoes)
Funky Friday: https://www.roblox.com/games/6447798030/
My editor software: Wondershare Filmora
screen recorder: Streamlabs obs
thumbnail creator website: https://www.photopea.com/
#roblox #funkyfriday #toxic #toxicteamers #teamers #amogus #memes #brokeup #robloxfnf #toxicplayer #toxickid
#bacon #4v4 #2v2 #1v1 #gangsters