Countries in Space and the Economics of Solar System Colonization

This video is a follow up to a previous video I did on space politics and the colonization of our solar system:

While the previous video focused more on the geopolitics and tried to get a general overview, this video is more about the economic feasibility of colonizing our solar system, and how it may naturally become more affordable and perhaps even lucrative for businesses and countries thanks to reusable technology and space infrastructure allowing for space mining and space manufacturing. I also cover how countries may function in space, and question whether or not the nation state will even be the model we go with across the solar system as geography, transportation, and demographics are so different on the Moon, Mars, Titan and across the solar system.

Countries in Space and the Economics of Solar System Colonization

space colony colonization future sci-fi sci fi science fiction speculation geopolitics politics astropolitics mars earth moon titan saturn jupiter ceres asteroid belt inner planets planet sun star stars the expanse

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