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Once-great nations are deteriorating right before our eyes. It seems half the people around us are enraged at the other half, and that other half is more than happy to return the anger and hatred. The voices shouting loudest for tolerance just so happen to be among the most intolerant of the bunch. But most significantly, social norms and fundamental understandings that have been in place for centuries--even thousands of years--are being overturned. What was once virtuous is now ridiculed and considered out of touch at best and downright evil at worst, while what was once thought perverse or morally wrong is now praised and promoted.
Our world is in chaos. And while it will surprise most, that chaos is rooted in civilization’s growing inability to answer one simple question: Who decides right and wrong?
Join us right now on Tomorrow’s World, where we will examine--and answer--this question together.
Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World, where we help you make sense of your world through the pages of the Bible. It’s a privilege to discuss today’s topic with you, for it really is the single question around which the entire world is turning today: Who decides right and wrong?
Today, we will look at three terrible but popular answers to this question, as well as the only true answer there could ever be. We’re also going to give you several opportunities to get your own copy of the free booklet we’re sending to our viewers today, The Ten Commandments. This free booklet is one of the largest in our library, and it is a remarkable resource for anyone curious about these ancient commands. Be sure to take note of the order information when it appears on your screen.
Now surely you’ve noticed--we are living in a world of moral chaos.
Please understand--I’m not saying we are living in a world in which there are no “morals” of any sort. Quite the contrary--the world seems filled with “moral warriors,” ready to castigate you for your lack of morality and ready to pin a medal on their own jackets for their own upstanding behavior.
Actors accept awards and spend most of their time lecturing the television audience about the moral outrage of the moment. Politicians seek to convince us that any disagreement with the laws and regulations they seek to pass is the moral equivalent of siding with Adolph Hitler. And the stoic neutrality previous generations used to see in their news anchors is a relic of the past. Anchors today are some of the most passionate preachers you’ll find on television--more interested in passing judgment than passing on the news.
In all this moralizing, whose morals serve as the basis of all this virtue signaling and righteous lecturing? Well, that’s the problem. Everyone is busy determining his own moral code--his own collection of virtues and vices. In a way, Western Civilization has come to mirror the ancient time of the judges described in the Bible. We find that description given very concisely in the book of Judges, chapter 21 and verse 25...
“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
Exactly. Everyone today is doing what is right in his own eyes.
But a world in which each man’s morality only depends on himself and his own, individual moral code is like having a world in which there is no moral code at all. And if you’ve ever read the book of Judges, you know what sort of world results from such a state: a brutal, chaotic world in which every man is out for himself.
Sure enough, a brutal, chaotic world is exactly what we see forming about us--corresponding more and more to the world of animals than it does to anything like a civilized society.
The world needs an answer to the question of who decides right and wrong.
So let’s spend our time today examining some contenders--some potential sources of morality that many would point to as the guide we need.
Now perhaps we should start by pointing out that many point to evolution as the source of humanity’s “morals”--but not in the way most of us think about “morals.” Evolution, as explained by those biologists who subscribe to the theory, only cares about the “survival of the fittest,” so those who say that human morality is simply a product of evolution are really saying that morality, good, and evil are all illusions. They’re saying that we only believe humans have morals because evolution has supposedly genetically programmed us to, say, be polite and civil to each other.
This is, of course, absolutely wrong for a whole host of reasons. For one, the theory of Evolution is a fairy tale, with little real evidence to show for itself. We have an abundance of material about that on our website at
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Tomorrow's World Who Decides Right and Wrong how to know right from wrong Who decides what is Right and what is wrong Ten Commandments tells us right from wrong God's Commandments tells us what is right and true Can science tell us what is right and what is wrong the Bible tells us right from wrong God's word tells us what is right and what is wrong who decides what is right and wrong how to know what is right and wrong in life how to know what is right and wrong