Tesla Gigafactory 4 Berlin | Entrance lobby unveiling | February 13, 2022 | DJI drone 4K Video

Todays building progress of the Giga Berlin. The final form of the entrance lobby becomes visible. Some road works were done during the week.

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​This would help me to upgrade my equipment or buying my first car, which will be hopefully a Tesla made in the Giga ;)

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0:00 Overview
0:33 Tank farm
1:00 Central utility building
2:19 General assembly
4:44 Giga Berlin west side
5:42 Berlin made Model Y spotted in motion
6:19 Road works
6:45 Parking lot construction
7:30 Storage area
8:04 Casting
8:39 Paint shop
10:00 Stamping
10:04 Pre-production Model Y's
11:09 Model Y scrapping
12:08 Drive unit
14:38 Pipe laying
15:15 Switchyard
16:06 Battery factory
19:11 Train line
19:47 Additional infiltration basin
20:35 Infiltration basins
21:20 Trailer yard
21:44 Thanks for watching!

It is strongly prohibited to reuse or republish my footage, except you got a written approval by me. In case you are interested in using my contents, just leave a comment, you will then recieve an answer from me.

Music used in this video:
Track 1:
Moons – Patrick Patrikios

Track 2:
Berlin at night – Dan Henig

Track 3:
Target Fuse – French Fuse

Track 4:
Deep mind – Jeremy Black

Track 5:
Hologram – Bobby Richards

Track 6:
Polymetric Juggling – DivKid

Track 7:
Stellar wind – Unicorn Heads

#Tesla​ #GigaBerlin​ #Progress​ #Gigafactory4​
Drone flights over the site were allowed by Elon Musk.

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Thanks for watching!

*These links are so called "affiliate links." Here I will get a commission without it costing you more.
Bei diesen Links handelt es sich um sogenannte "Affiliate-Links." Hierbei werde ich eine Provision bekommen, ohne dass es euch mehr kostet, während ihr einen Rabatt bekommen könnt.

Copyright by flybrandenburg, all rights reserved

Tesla Gigafactory 4 Berlin | Entrance lobby unveiling | February 13, 2022 | DJI drone 4K Video

Progress Giga Berlin GF4 gigafactory 4 Tesla Tesla berlin Gigafactory Berlin

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