#fabrats #pontiac #firebird #barnfind
Today's the day we try to make our way home in a car that's been sitting in a shed for 5 years and that's 55 years old. Can it make it the 1,000 miles home? Check it out!
Make sure to follow along with us as we build and fabricate cool stuff!!
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We Drove 2000 miles And Through 4 states To Pick Up This Vintage Rig!
I Can't Believe This! Barn Find Of The Century!
I've Been Waiting My Whole Life To Go Here!!
Check out Yankum Ropes!!
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And THE FAB RATS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefabrats
For business inquiries please email us at: thefabrats@gmail.com
Shipping Address:
Fab Rats
P.O. Box 234 or General Delivery
Glendale, UT 8729
42 chevy pickup chevy pickup road tripping fab rats vintage classic truck old truck american pickers barn find pontiac firebird firebird muscle car